Week of the Young Child: Mompreneurs: Balancing Business and Babies

events news Mar 28, 2022

Week of the Young Child-Mompreneurs: Balancing Business and Babies

Week of the Young Child-Mompreneurs: Balancing Business and Babies

April 5th, 2022

11 a.m. – 12 p.m.


While we at the WBC at JEDI strive daily to Empower and Inspire, we know that mompreneurs need more of that than possibly ANY other small business owners. It’s NOT an easy lift to follow your passion, talents, and dreams to launch and grow a business with small babes in tow.

During Week of the Young Child, we will host a virtual workshop for Moms in Business, providing a place for them to connect with each other, learn best practices for navigating business ownership while rearing healthy kids, and learn about the variety of resources and support available to them. We’ve compiled a group of amazing moms who’ve gone before you and have built successful businesses in the middle of raising babes. We’re bringing you the total transparency of the process they went through – what worked and what didn’t, what they wished someone would have told them sooner, and what piece of the puzzle finally made things click.

Join us for a Virtual Panel & Discussion Topics:

  • What’s the best advice you were given? And did you take it?
  • What motivates you on a daily basis to keep moving forward in your business?
  • What are/were some of the greatest challenges over the years? How did you overcome?
  • Who are the people in your life that you couldn’t have done this without?
Register Today!

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